It can be low effort, passive-aggressive, insulting or derogatory towards your convictions.
Toothpaste and a toothbrush.
I do now understand the financial problems my family had at the time, but for a child it still was a major bummer. Nevermind me being an only and a Christmas child.
Being poor and lonely made Christmas the worst time of the year: no real celebrations like other kids have and my friends were spending time with their families. It was always the loneliest holiday.
I don’t hold any resentment to my parents, they did what they could with what they had and they weren’t bad people ultimately.
I still don’t like Christmas, but my SO does make it something to look forward to. I like thinking of little gifts to get them and watch their reaction. This year I made several oversized t-shirts for sleeping with vinil prints of our cats. It’s cheesy as fuck, but in a good way. I like getting gifts as well tho 😅.