- Fitted sheet must have label on bottom right seam
- Salted butter wrapping text must be red. Unsalted blue.
The front panel connectors on a motherboard should all be standard and be a single connection.
No thanks, this would stifle customization. I am all for making MB header connections less flimsy and unclear but I think having separate connections for individual connector ports is a good thing.
The standard ones should be standardized and any extras in an adjacent header. Power, reset, power LED, and HDD LED should be a single block.
The motherboard header should be a standard pinout to make it possible to make a solid connector. That should be part of the ATX standard.
The cable from the case…the PC I just built has no reset switch, the power button light is controlled by the case’s built-in RGB controller, there’s no hard drive access light because it’s the distant space year 2024…turns out the only thing plugged into that header on my machine is the power switch itself.
Having an electronics hobby, having played with Raspberry Pis and Arduinos and such, building things like 3D printers, I’m used to dealing with those little 0.1 inch DuPont connectors, everyone else has a fit about them but they’re not that bad.