- Fitted sheet must have label on bottom right seam
- Salted butter wrapping text must be red. Unsalted blue.
Those yellow bump things for blind people. They need to follow a spec that then in turn cart manufacturers, wheelchair manufacturers, and wagon cart manufacturers all build around so that when I travel over them they don’t jostle my whole cart around and tip over my drink.
All vehicles have an auto-sensor that detects when the steering mechanism is turned past a certain point and activates the fucking turn signal. Deactivates it once the steering mechanism returns past that point.
So it would engage if you switch lanes, but also if the road curved slightly…?
On multi-lane merge ramps is the guy in the right lane signalling his left blinker because his steering wheel is turned or is he planning to dive into your lane before the merge?
But the idea of an indicator is to indicate that you will soon turn the steering wheel, not that you’ve already started to turn it.
Better rule, if the vehicle detects that the turn signal is not active and you’re making a turn, it engages temporary self driving and delivers an electric shock to the crotch .
That would make some people do that on purpose
Tell me you don’t understand how to use a turn signal without telling me you don’t understand how to use a turn signal.
Good rules!
Bottom right = standing or lying? Tag should be on flat also and must tell the bed size.
I think my butters are opposite colors.
Oncoming car headlights should not blind you. Companies need to stop making these and if they are custom jobs, this should be easy tickets for the police.
Seems kind of consequential to me. But I agree.
The adaptive headlights that fix this are not legal in the US, but in other countries they can be used and will selectively dim parts of their light beams that point at other cars.
But what about pedestrians, cyclists, etc.?
Can probably work with a cyclist with a light. But in any case it’s not as big of a deal as a pedestrian or cyclist. Anyways brighter lights might be safer since the driver can more easily see pedestrians and cyclists.
As a pedestrian often struggling to see what the heck I’m doing when walking along a road at night, I’m not sure I agree with it being not such a big deal. I mean, true, I can’t really cause an accident that big considering I’m not a multi-ton death machine, but…
As for brighter = safer, I’m not sure either. Wouldn’t people see better in the inevitable area outside of their headlights if headlights weren’t so bright as to set their eyes up into “daylight mode”?
I think the concept of night adjusted eyes are already pretty lost in any city these days. We’ve moved away from sodium lamps so night vision isn’t really activated as all. In this situation, you’d want the driver to see as much as possible and from as far away as possible so they can react to pedestrians. And having used vehicles with both OEM LED and normal halogens, the brighter LED definitely makes it easier to see.
Ugh, don’t remind me of how the transition to LEDs was handled. Should we use yellow LEDs to make it non-obnoxious? Nah, just blast everyone’s eyes with cool white LEDs.
Yet another thing we’ve fallen behind on.
This is legislated in the US. Just not enforced and cars became taller since the law was written (-3ft/75ft iirc, may vary by state).
In Scandinavia they actually care about this and high beam use is part of diver training. It’s nice. Also semi trucks will happily blind you with a thousand Suns if you forget. So it’s rare to get blinded in night driving.
The front panel connectors on a motherboard should all be standard and be a single connection.
The motherboard header should be a standard pinout to make it possible to make a solid connector. That should be part of the ATX standard.
The cable from the case…the PC I just built has no reset switch, the power button light is controlled by the case’s built-in RGB controller, there’s no hard drive access light because it’s the distant space year 2024…turns out the only thing plugged into that header on my machine is the power switch itself.
Having an electronics hobby, having played with Raspberry Pis and Arduinos and such, building things like 3D printers, I’m used to dealing with those little 0.1 inch DuPont connectors, everyone else has a fit about them but they’re not that bad.
No thanks, this would stifle customization. I am all for making MB header connections less flimsy and unclear but I think having separate connections for individual connector ports is a good thing.
The standard ones should be standardized and any extras in an adjacent header. Power, reset, power LED, and HDD LED should be a single block.
Coffee shop tables should be 3 legged to prevent them from wobbling and me spilling my coffee when I lean onto the table even just a bit.
Women’s clothing now have the same definition for what is xs s m l xl and etc
All shoe and clothing companies must use universal measurements and sizes
When buying toilets, people should be able to test the flush in the shop
With uhm … Some sort of fake poop?
…Also yes
With uhm … Some sort of fake poop?
*insert Anakin looking at Padme meme*
The number of hotdogs in a hotdog pack and the number of hotdog buns in a hotdog bun pack cannot be coprime
The number of hotdogs in a hotdog pack and the number of hotdog buns in a hotdog bun pack cannot be coprime
(Although 8 and 12 aren’t coprime, and he tears open three bags of buns, meaning if he had just bought three packs of hot dogs and two bags of buns he’d be fine.)
“Coprime” is the operative qualifier of the original comment. You can’t do what Steve Martin did with coprime amounts of buns and dogs because they can never evenly go into one another. You’ll always have leftovers.
“Coprime” is the operative qualifier of the original comment.
I did say that 8 and 12 weren’t coprime.
You can’t do what Steve Martin did with coprime amounts of buns and dogs because they can never evenly go into one another. You’ll always have leftovers.
That isn’t true. You can do EXACTLY what he did. If he had packs of 8 hot dogs and 9 buns, removing one bun from each pack would have the same effect. And 8 and 9 are coprime.
And you can also do what I said he could’ve done, that is, get an even number of hot dogs and buns by purchasing different amounts of packages. If someone purchased 9 packs of 8 hot dogs and 8 packs of 9 buns, they would even out.
You can ensure any two coprime integers go into another number evenly by simply making them factors of the other number (in this case, 72).
Edit: fixed a typo
Unless you get the (superior) Hebrew National dogs that come in packs of 7.
Unless you get the (superior) Hebrew National dogs that come in packs of 7.
In which case, to get an even number of buns, he’d have to buy 12 packs of 7 hot dogs and 7 packs of 12 buns, for a total of 84 hot dogs and buns. (Or remove 5 buns from each 12 bun bag.)
Edit: Which means Joey Chestnut could eat his new record of 83 of those dogs in ten minutes and have another left over for Steve Martin!
wish I could upvote you more than once just for the use of this word
We need more maths terminology in our regulations
No olives shall be added to feta in oil.
Emergency brakes should be a handle that pulls a mechanical cable that directly actuates the rear brakes. Simple and reliable, like you would want in an emergency.
Except when the cable snaps, It’s an expensive pain in the ass to replace.
I just did this on my 2011 Miata. It has about 50k miles on it. Driven in Wisconsin, and while I’ve mostly kept it off winter roads, it’s inevitably going to have more corrosion than an equivalent car kept in a warmer/dryer climate.
$600 for the repair. Given how long it lasted, I don’t consider that too crazy.
Unless you don’t HAVE 600 dollars.
That’s more a statement against car ownership in general. Repairs are going to happen. Making the e-brake into a switch that activates solenoids by way of a CAN bus to microcontrollers doesn’t change that. If anything, it’s likely even more expensive.
I have never had one fail. Never even heard of one snapping.
The one on my stepvan doesn’t pull quite hard enough on its own, but it works.
And …it’s a cable? Like seven cents a foot?
It does happen. Guess how I know…
What you’re thinking of in cars is not an emergency brake.
Yes, it is. The fact that it’s often considered a “parking” brake doesn’t change things.
If the hydraulic lines spring a leak or the master cylinder fails, the mechanical line from the e-brake is still functional.
Is that a newer thing? All my cars have always had a cable… (2006 Acura, 2014 Subaru) I change my own brakes.
Yeah, it’s been pretty common the last few years. My wife’s 2021 Mini does it.
It’s not an emergency brake because it isn’t. All breaks failing on your car at the same time is statistically and technically almost completely impossible unless you ignored loads of very obvious warning signs. You’re going to notice leaking hydraulics waaayy before the breaks become useless for example.
Now that I think of it, making it an electronic system might actually be because of people like you. Because if you lose control of the car and panic thinking your brakes don’t work, folks might pull that “emergency brake” and lose all traction and make things way worse. That is if the cable is even able to bring a speeding car to a stop, which it wasn’t engineered for in the first place.
But if it makes you feel safer, enjoy your bliss. I just hope for everyone’s sake you focus on steering the car to safety instead of pulling the parking brake if you ever lose control of a car.
Uhh, master cylinder failing would result in all brakes failing. Things these days are internally partitioned so that front and back are separated, and thus complete failure is unlikely, but still possible. It used to be all in one, and the e-brake is very, very important in vintage cars because of it. Less so now, but there was no good reason to change it besides manufacturing cost.
You’re making an awful lot of assumptions on my driving skill based on (checks notes) wanting a redundant system.
I think I kept it as impersonal as possible. The only thing I’m telling you is that you’re wrong.
But if it makes you feel safer, enjoy your bliss. I just hope for everyone’s sake you focus on steering the car to safety instead of pulling the parking brake if you ever lose control of a car.
If this is your version of “impersonal”, you need to recalibrate.
And no, I’m not wrong. Total brake failure still happens, and a separate system is still important.
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Are you mad?
Expand allergy warning labels on products. Mammal product allergy exists, it’s called alpha-gal syndrome - one of the issues that can arise from a tick bite. I would like to see allergy labels for beef, pork, gelatin, and carrageenan alongside the ones for milk, wheat, nuts, etc.
just use primate byproducts and alpah-gal shouldn’t be affected
I just want it to be more clear what products are in my food.
Stickers put on products by manufacturers or retailers must either be on the product packaging or be made with the material that leaves no residue behind when peeled off.