Using password managers. All of my friends and family refuse to use them but always complain about getting locked out of accounts due to forgetting login details. I leave them too it now.
Honestly, get them to use the built in password manager in their browser. It’s a huge step up from reusing passwords which they’re almost certainly doing, so it’s a case of not letting perfect be the enemy of improvement
Thanks ill try this :)
Use a pen and paper, no one breaks into your house for your password.
I don’t even write the whole thing down, just enough that I know what the rest is, the missing part is context to me.
What do you do when you need your password while out of the house? Because if you bring your notebook, then you’ve INSANELY decreased your security (forgotten, bag where it’s in forgotten, left lying around open, looking at it while people can check over your shoulder, it gets wet/damaged, etc.)
I don’t need the passwords while I’m out and if it is really important it will will have to wait, if it is really really important then I will go home and get it, but in reality it is almost always never really that important.
That’s why you use the same username and password everywhere! Duh!
Oh yeah, i didnt even think to do that. Thats a great tip ;)
Same here, iv linked them bitwarden and offered to set it up