So I play guitar. I had a problem where I would sometimes drop my pick. Then, one day, I had an idea. I took some copper wire and attached it to a pick through a small hole I burned into it with a needle. I wrapped the wire around my finger. Now I physically cannot drop my pick.
I used to do this with a piece of thread
Seen it before… watched it again anyway. Praise Vectron!
By vectron’s creaky ankle that’s a great video!
Be careful where you drop your pick, by Vectron!
You just made these things obsolete.
I’ve got one of these. They’re great for if you accidentally drop your pick.
They are not, however, a goddamn pick souvenir dispenser! No, you can’t have a free pick you skeezy little jerk! Get off my stage!
I thought that’s so you can throw picks at the audience
Actually they are just for looking like a big rock star that can afford to throw away a fistful of picks every night.
What could a pick cost, 20 dollars!?
That’s without counting the extra money spent on replacing strings, I’m sure using this kind of thing regularly would seriously shorten their lifespan.
I’ve had the same picks for about ten years but I was always under the impression you could get like forty or fifty of the aesthetically-pleasing ones for like three bucks
I bought a pack of thumb picks out of curiosity and I actually really like them. I don’t use them every time I play but they’re nice to have.
“I laugh in the face of ground faults!”
Using password managers. All of my friends and family refuse to use them but always complain about getting locked out of accounts due to forgetting login details. I leave them too it now.
That’s why you use the same username and password everywhere! Duh!
Oh yeah, i didnt even think to do that. Thats a great tip ;)
Same here, iv linked them bitwarden and offered to set it up
Use a pen and paper, no one breaks into your house for your password.
I don’t even write the whole thing down, just enough that I know what the rest is, the missing part is context to me.
What do you do when you need your password while out of the house? Because if you bring your notebook, then you’ve INSANELY decreased your security (forgotten, bag where it’s in forgotten, left lying around open, looking at it while people can check over your shoulder, it gets wet/damaged, etc.)
I don’t need the passwords while I’m out and if it is really important it will will have to wait, if it is really really important then I will go home and get it, but in reality it is almost always never really that important.
Honestly, get them to use the built in password manager in their browser. It’s a huge step up from reusing passwords which they’re almost certainly doing, so it’s a case of not letting perfect be the enemy of improvement
Thanks ill try this :)
Fact checking.
So many people just believe anything they see or hear if it agrees with their worldview.
I saw a similar thread on Reddit about 12 years ago and one of the suggestions near the bottom that didn’t have any comments on it is something I’ve incorporated into my daily life and it has made a huge difference: Adjust your car mirrors so you have no blind spots.
Most people have their side mirrors adjusted where they can see a portion of their own car in the mirror. This leaves you with large blind spots. To adjust them where you have no blind spots, sit in the driver’s seat and lean your head over to the left as far as you can (basically putting your head on the window), then adjust the driver’s side mirror to where you can just barely see your car in it. Then lean your head over to the passenger side about the same amount and adjust that mirror.
When adjusted properly if you can see a car in your rearview mirror, you shouldn’t be able to see that car in your side mirrors, but as soon as a car is no longer visible in the rearview mirror it should be visible in one of your side mirrors. Then when it is no longer visible in your side mirror it should be in your peripheral vision.
It takes some getting used to, but once dialed in and you’re used to it then it makes changing lanes a breeze. It also helps at night if someone behind you has bright lights because you’ll only see them in one mirror instead of all 3.
Honestly I didn’t find this online but I’ve always done it this way. I’m happy to learn others think the same.
I’m not sure if I saw it in the same place, but I saw the same recommendation long ago and have stuck with it ever since.
I don’t rely on it for changing lanes though. It absolutely helps situational awareness, but I always turn and look.
Why do you always turn and look, if the method eliminates blind spots? Worried about vampire cars?
Layers of protection. It’s worth it when we’re talking about life and death safety.
Wish that the mirror designs you see on trucks for towing was standard, having that second parabolic mirror with a standard mirror is amazing and I’ve had that as my setup forever now on a small car, can see everything in those.
Something like this setup also takes getting used to but seriously worth it.
This 100%. I only figured this out 15 years after having started driving.
To add to this I tilt my rear view mirror (the one connected to the windshield) a little bit upwards to force me to sit a bit straighter and taller when I look at it. You slouch less so for long car trips your back ends up feeling a bit better.
I learned this on! I don’t remember how long ago it was, but I wonder if they had a similar source.
I just tried this and it’s genius! I haven’t ever given side mirror adjustment any thought.
Wondering why somebody would downvote this.
Maybe there is some big banana that wants to make our banana opening lives impractical?
I’ve always suspected there’s a big banana
I do it that way for my kid as she prefers it, and the “normal” way for me, and it is identically easy.
I cannot understand the claim that it’s easier the seed end, it’s just not true.
It’s definitely cleaner doing it the normal way from the bunch end as you never get bits of banana on you if it’s a particularly squishy one.
Bunch end wins for me. Just as easy if not easier and no mess.
Depends on the state of the banana I suppose. I used to do the bunch end but it’d always end up mushing it a bit. I find just apply some pressure with a thumbnail and peeling it had better results. I remember being taught that way years back and it’s worked sense. The bunch end might easily come off if it’s ripened a bit I suppose.
I still prefer the bunch end; the seed end has this odd taste
Knock your knuckles against your car door to zap static electricity on something less sensitive.
Wash dishes while you cook. It was a game-changer for me.
Swipe left and right on your phone’s spacebar to move the cursor.
That’s not universal, though - this is how I switch keyboards to Cyrillic.
Mine does the language switch as well, but I can get cursor control if I tap and hold space before moving left or right.
That’s gboard and also thumbkey on Android. The stock keyboard (e.g. on lineage) does nothing.
Holding the spacebar switches languages, despite the fact that there is annoyingly a language button right next to the spacebar.
Stock android keyboard is genuinely terrible.
The best stock layout I’ve seen is on PmOS which puts dot to the left of Q, and comma to the right of L, thus saving that extra diagonal space.
Holy shit. I had no idea.
Spread the good word. Everyone I tell is blown away and comes back to me later to thank me.
It’s just really handy for correcting autocorrect typos.
When eating chicken wing flats, if you pry the bones apart you can slip them out and you’re left with a single piece of meat you can eat whole. You don’t have leftover bits in the middle of the two bones.
Also, keep nitrile gloves in your glove box or purse and use them when eating messy things like wings and ribs and cake.
To add to that, use those nitrile gloves when you cook. It’s a game changer for food prep, especially when working with raw meat
Not smoke.
Someone just suggested to me that I should be putting my chocolate bars in the freezer first. I’ve never heard of this, but apparently it’s a thing that I’ve been missing out on for a while.
So I guess I’m the one who can’t believe that I don’t do it.
I only do this with the fridge in the summer to not let the chocolate melt. but why the freezer?
They say it just tastes better. idk. I’m going to try it soon.
I’m someone who puts all sweets in the freezer/fridge, and just realize that some become borderline inedible with this.
Why have regular chocolate when you can have hard chocolate with no flavor?
using an ad blocker. personally, i use ad blockers for years and when i work on a friends laptop im shocked how much ads there are actually. i cant count on a hand how mucn i told my father he should use ad blocker browser and extenstion. and he wont do it. recently, i changed the DNS server on a router level to nextdns, where it blocks ads and trackers. he told me its amazing how smoother the experience is now
password managers. as an IT specialist i have about 300 login details for many services, personal, work and clients. every login has its own password and eventually email too. and i know sooooo many people who forgot their passwords (they have about 3 very similar ones but ok) and try them all until they find out they had to creat a new for that specific service. and they are so unaware about the dangers (for example fishing, SE, …) with this method.
This one is sort of very specific and niche, but as a caregiver of someone with an ostomy, you can take a roll of this disposable plastic produce bags from the grocery store. Terrible for use as a produce bag because they’re plastic and disposable and whatnot, but for bag empties when you need to use something disposable no matter what? They’re invaluable.
Also doggy poop bags. Great for that. Just grab one of the small almost empty rolls, and tell the cashier “I’mma take these” and no one gives a shit
My mom uses them for dog poop too
Spit in your toilet paper I am not kidding, it will significantly improve your life.
Hell yeah! I do this everyday when I’m away from my bidet at home.
It is crazy that it took my 40 years to figure out this life changing information on my own.
I hate shitting without my bidet so much
I’m… Gonna need further elaboration
And here is further further elaboration
Is this advice real ? ChatGPT said:
Yes, the advice being shared is based on the concept of moistening toilet paper to improve cleanliness. Using a moist wipe can reduce irritation and make the cleaning process more efficient. Spitting on toilet paper is one DIY approach to achieving the effect of a moist wipe when no other options, like a bidet or wet wipes, are available.
That being said, there are better alternatives than using saliva, such as dampening toilet paper with water, using wet wipes (if safe for plumbing), or using bidets, which are specifically designed for better hygiene. Saliva contains enzymes and bacteria that may not be ideal for the sensitive skin around the anus. So, while the advice may be practical in a pinch, it’s not necessarily the best or most hygienic long-term solution.
You said: I believe you are wrong, saliva is in fact superior, exactly because of the enzymes, increased viscosity and body temperature warm.
ChatGPT said:
You’re correct that saliva has unique properties, such as enzymes (like amylase), increased viscosity, and being body-temperature warm, which can aid in certain situations. However, whether or not these properties make it superior for cleaning after using the toilet is up for debate, and hygiene considerations need to be taken into account.
Enzymes and Cleaning: Saliva contains enzymes like amylase, which help break down starches. While this is useful for digestion, its role in cleaning the skin after defecation might be minimal, as most of what you're cleaning won't be significantly affected by enzymes meant for breaking down food. Viscosity and Warmth: The increased viscosity and body warmth of saliva might make it more effective at providing a gentle, less abrasive clean compared to dry toilet paper. This could also be more comfortable and reduce irritation. Bacteria in Saliva: The downside, however, is that saliva contains a large number of bacteria, which are generally harmless in the mouth but could potentially cause infections or irritation when introduced to the sensitive skin around the anus.
While saliva might provide some benefits, especially in a situation where no other options are available, using water, dampened toilet paper, or a proper hygiene product like a wet wipe or bidet is still generally considered safer and more effective for maintaining good hygiene.
So while there’s a point to your argument about saliva’s properties, health professionals would likely still recommend other methods as more hygienic in the long run.
Simple, next time you wipe, first wipe the excess, but no scrubbing. Then take another piece of twice folded to and put a blob of spit it in. Gently scrub your abus. Repeat as needed until tp comes out still leave. Not only will this get you way more cleaner more faster, you abus will suffer much less damage per event.
Hmmm, sure…
You are welcome Obama
Not sure I could get used to using transparent bags for dog poop.
Huh, I’ve always just bought small trashbags, never crossed my mind to just grab the whole roll of those produce bags. Still might not, feels wrong to just take them. :)
When someone asks a thing like this on Lemmy, look up the same thread on Reddit (guaranteed to find it was recently also posted there) and copy-pasta some of the top posts. Guaranteed worthless internet up arrows.
I mean… you’re not wrong. Just thought that it would be a great question to ask here. Also, with fewer users on Lemmy, there tend to be more genuine answers than on Reddit.
The real hack is always in the comments or something
I just said to someone that Lemmy comment sections have a little bit of that Reddit 2014 vibe and here you are with the Reddit 2014 meme.
The real Reddit 2014 memes were the friends we made along the way.
The ol’ Lemmy-switch-a-roo?
Reddit comment section nostalgia activated
I can tell I’m going to like it here
Please keep doing this because I’m never going back😎
I encourage this only because I never again want to touch that god forsaken site
Middle clicking links to open in a new tab
Using chip clips when you can tuck one side of the bag in and roll the other down.
You can also hold Control and left click to do the same. Then just Control+Tab to cycle through your tabs.
Or ALT+NumberRow to select a tab
What if I have over 1000 tabs open?
Then it is time to use the all mighty Left Click.
Then you’re using tabs as bookmarks
But I have over 10,000 bookmarks!
I happen to know from own experience that my Firefox will become slow and crash randomly when I get near 1000 tabs. Then I discovered OneTab extension and I just all the open tabs to a single OneTab page where it can be found later If needed (but I rarely do 😅). But feels much easier than just closing all.
Then you have lost control of your life and shortcuts are the least of your problems.
You mean Control+NumberRow.
This is neat.
Different commands on different interfaces. On windows it used to be CTRL but on Linux I’ve found it’s ALT more now