Some fuckwad printed out several hundred illegal pictures in the middle of the day in a place accessible to everyone and with high foot traffic.
Needless to say he was walked out by the cops.
What a bizarre mind that must be. Fucking creep.
I wish I could tell you he looked creepy or we had some bad vibes but he was just a guy in the office. That part bugs me the most
What pictures are illegal?
Uh kiddie porn for example
we need to be calling it child rape
No that’s just confusing for no reason
how is it confusing? The reason is, that’s exactly what it is, zero confusion. Images of children being raped…no sugar coating.
Child rape and csam are different one is a subsection of the other
how do you get csam without raping the child? They can not consent.
Good point
Correct on first guess, unfortunately
If you don’t know, you’re better off