On a virtual meeting a guy unknowingly had his mic on and shouted to his kid “N…r sit your ass down!”
Company has low-key software trainers - a ton of information to convey, but they mostly embrace and gently corral the inevitable side convos you get in a Teams room of thirty very confused people.
Some of us were more vocal than others and a handful were less pleasant. During a brief silence, as a woman is about to ask a valid question, we ALL hear,
“Oh, there’s Jennifer, running her fat fucking mouth again! (Pause) (gasp from speaker)”
Guy wasn’t getting it anyway, but he didn’t last the rest of the morning.
There were 29 of us in that room, two years ago. Now there are six of us remaining. Mouthy guy above is the only one I know left involuntarily.
And got fired for that??
Why shouldn’t he
Why should he?
To keep a clean work culture. To keep racists away from the work environment.
If the guy was talking to his kid like that, I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume it was a black guy yelling at his kid, and not being a racist. Maybe it was a white guy, but that doesn’t sound like something a white guy would yell at their kid, even a racist.
I don’t know a single black person who uses a hard R
Not all black people think that using the n-word is ok and many will tell you that no matter who is using it, the word has a racist undertone.
When you work for an employer that makes it a point to embrace multiculturalism it’s not the kind of language you can use while you’re working.
“clean work culture” = “It’s not enough when a worker does their job, they also have to adjust their behavior to their employer’s wishes, both at work and in their free time.”
Yell the N word at a work meeting, see how comfortable your coworkers get
During a virtual meeting isn’t an employee’s free time…even if their mic is supposed to be off. Lol
This wasn’t on their free time. Are you ignorant on purpose or just completely clueless?
Some fuckwad printed out several hundred illegal pictures in the middle of the day in a place accessible to everyone and with high foot traffic.
Needless to say he was walked out by the cops.
What a bizarre mind that must be. Fucking creep.
I wish I could tell you he looked creepy or we had some bad vibes but he was just a guy in the office. That part bugs me the most
What pictures are illegal?
If you don’t know, you’re better off
Uh kiddie porn for example
Correct on first guess, unfortunately
we need to be calling it child rape
Good point
No that’s just confusing for no reason
how is it confusing? The reason is, that’s exactly what it is, zero confusion. Images of children being raped…no sugar coating.
Child rape and csam are different one is a subsection of the other
how do you get csam without raping the child? They can not consent.
I’ve worked with a lot of good and a lot of bad surgeons, but even the bad ones aren’t usually dangerous bad, but like slow af, sub-optimal but passable outcomes, shit like that.
I’ve worked with ONE who was just absolute shit at his job… and his incompetence got at least one patient killed.
He got axed pretty quick… hopefully his license was revoked and he got charged with murder, but I never got any details of post-firing.
omg it wasn’t “Dr Death” aka Christopher Duntsch was it?
No, he never got any media attention that I’m aware of. My concern is that he’s just hopping from hospital to hospital - hiring on, fucking up, killing someone, getting fired, hiring on, fucking up, killing someone, etc.
Hospitals are pretty protective of their reputation and their doctors; and death is a thing that can happen in surgery so it be swept off as a “Oh well, patient signed off on the risks; and oh hey, this Dr said some mean things to our staff, so let’s fire him for that and hope we don’t make national headlines…”
That’s exactly what happened with Dr Death and why he wasn’t caught for such a long time.
Oh, well shit. Dr Death was before this shit, but it sounds like basically Dr Death 2.0.
…kinda makes me wonder how common this is.
Most docs have some kind of internet presence nowadays, so definitely look them up. Also in the later preop stages when you talk to your OR nurse, look your nurse in the eye and just straight up ask “Would you be comfortable with this doctor operating on you?” They won’t be actually allowed to talk shit on their surgeon, but the second of panicked silence as they try to come up with some kind of non-answer without blatantly lying will tell you everything you need to know.
This might be like 30 mins before your surgery - you have the right to refuse up until you go unconscious. It’ll feel dirty, but those standards exist for a reason.
Curious how common the truly bad ones are. I’d assume quite uncommon between licensing, hospital hiring, chart data analysis at scale, etc., but…
Counting down the days to a relatively minor surgery I need. No real concerns, I’ve met the lead surgeon a few times, but plenty of unknown humans are part of the process too.
Different times and companies, but I’ve seen people fired for
- being in his 30s and sleeping with the 14-15 year-old worker (I forget exactly how old she was). This was working in a movie theater and he was the GM.
- found CSAM on their computer
- many for sexual harassment (a few different jobs in IT)
I think that’s it for the NSFW stuff.
From my current workplace:
Someone was putting mail in a cabinet under their desk instead of the outbox, we’re talking hundreds of letters/cheques/invoices and some life-changing documents from a few months.
The mail outbox was on their desk, and easier to reach than the cabinet.From previous workplaces:
- Breaking down a door and raping someone that had barricaded themselves behind said door.
- Sexual interference.
- not having a licence, and getting a DUI with a work truck that they stole.
And outrageous in a different way:
for only beating last year’s sales by 3% instead of by 4%.Have you heard any specific reasons for the mail hoarder’s actions at your current workplace, or is it still a fresh case? I’m guessing it was nefarious, since the mail outbox was closer and seemingly more obvious than the secret stashing cabinet. Just wanted to be a dingus to intended mail recipients? I’d also be curious if it was all mail they handled or just select pieces. So many burning questions!!
I am a contractor so I don’t work in a standard office setting right now. I miss the heck out of juicy office gossip, at least about those who deserve such sordid stories! (Karen in accounting is actually really nice, Carl.)
The reason why some people think they did it was because it was their job to take the mail to the mail room. But they were also the person who needed to go to the mail room to get our mail every day, which they did, every day. If they were already taking the elevator down to the mail room to get the mail, why not take the outgoing mail?!?
We also found out that they were just marking tasks as complete about 20% of the time, so we had to double-check every task assigned to them for the previous 6 months.I earned my living with a hammer or a forklift for most of my life, and I never thought I would like the office gossip. But, It’s kinda great.
It’s generally a different level than it was with the construction guys.
“Joanne’s boyfriend might be emotionally abusive, and she won’t break up with him. Be kind to her.”
“John got drunk last night after losing custody, and put his new girlfriend into a coma. We’ll need you to help with the gable overhangs.”
Jerking it in the bathroom
It wasn’t even the unisex one
How did you get caught?
RIP in pepperonis OP
Oh, I never got caught
I just thought it was unfair because that’s what they’re there for
He got caught because upper management was visiting that day
Worked at sheetmetal manufacturing plant. Had aisles of welding booths. Old dude welder would smoke in the building in his booth letting the smoke get sucked through the table vents. Well sure as ahit one day a little more than just smoke gets sucked up and next thing you know thr whole ventilation system goes up in flames. Never saw the dude again.
Same plant but one of the robot welders, the worker would mount an unrelated electrical box on the robot welder rig. Then hit the foot petal and it would clamp 3 of the 4 sides down with a fuckton of pressure. Months after opening back up after ventilation fire this new chick was running the robot welders and steps on the fucking clamp petal while still holding everything in place. She clamped her whole hand smashing all the bones in her hand I think. Never saw her again either. It was a freak accident not even anything you can point a finger at. I guess she lost balance a little to make her step and didn’t have her hands in way so the e-stop light bar that senses if you are in the way wasn’t tripped but she slamed her hand onto the box as it was closing trying to catch herself.
They had tons of people I never saw before come in and assess the robots and turret presses and they installed the petals that have covering flaps you need to lift to get your foot in the petal. All in all the place was super safe and the dude that smoked was super fucking belligerent and was going to be fired the next infraction before burning the ventilation system down.
Mike would walk into random meetings that he didn’t belong in, lay his head on the table, and knock out. Snored loud as fuck. He did this in my meetings alone at least three times a week.
He’d be found sleeping in the driver seat of his car about once a day too, clocking hours.
I saw the dude sneak up on a lot of people and assault them. Smack mens asses, rub women’s shoulders, he put this catholic nerd in a chokehold and whispered “security can’t help you here, n****” and then let him go.
He’d talk about how sick work from home was, how he’d just play NBA2K and Tekken all day, work on his car, sleep, and get paid.
Homie worked with us for like 3 or 4 months before he got fired. When he left, I got assigned his work. He had one ticket. It was three months old, and it was to update some software on our platform from vX to vX+1. It took me three minutes.
Dude was reading comic books at his desk the entire time he was there. He was really living the dream for a minute, I heard after he got fired that he moved from computers to car mechanic.
This doesn’t sound like the dream to me at all
Guy was having fun being a menace, and making 6-figures.
He would also record/take pictures of girls he’d meet online, and show off their nudes to people at work. And complain about paying child support. Gross ass dude.
He was hired on the recommendation of an already existing (seemingly normal) employee. Once mike got fired, his recommender immediately ““quit”” before they could also get fired
WFH with video games, and watching Office Space and Fight Club a little too literally.
How did that take more than 3 months? Surely he should have been noticed within a week…
My company is small enough that it doesn’t legally need HR.
Nobody to report him to except the company owners who didn’t care for a while
I’ve had 2 coworkers lose their jobs for being diddlers, but nothing other than that really. Only other one 8 have, I didn’t get to witness since I was living out of town at the time, but a shithead ex-boss got walked out by some feds and wasn’t seen again. Gossip was it was INS, and it would serve him right to get deported.
Someone got fired making an “inspirational” Andrew Tate inspired speech on slack about how depression doesn’t actually exist. This was on a company wide channel about promoting/raising awareness for mental health issues. Two comments prior someone had described in heartbreaking detail how their stepchild had committed suicide last year.
When I worked in data entry fresh our of college, there was a mass firing. Turns out people were signing in and leaving. Like, to go to the movies, to the store, to just hang out, for their entire shift, and would then log out at the end of the day. Damn near every person under 30 was gone. Some quit before they could get fired. It took all day, and there were plenty of performances. Now, it was data entry, which meant our activity was tracked, from the inactivity to how much we got through in a day. I have no idea how they didn’t think anyone would notice.
Surprisingly this one actually didn’t lead to someone being fired because the person was never found, but when I was a teenager I worked at a local retailer in Canada called Canadian Tire. The manager called everyone into the employee washrooms to show us that someone had scrawled “CT sucks” in human feces – presumably their own – on the inside of a toilet stall.
I could never earn enough CT money to actually get anything good, so I’m sympathetic to the feelings of the artist in this story.
I always used to just put mine in the bin to support kids sports lol
your feces?
Manager (34) impregnated a delivery driver (16/17) and ran away to Tennessee because he couldn’t be prosecuted for it there.
You are prosecuted where you committed the crime.
He wasn’t that smart.
A manager got fired for sleeping with an underage waitress.
A GM got fired after stealing ~$13k from deposits
A guy got fired for telling the GM to go fuck herself completely unprompted.
Food service is wild
We had an A/P manager who chewed her way through 3 entire staffs before management decided the problem was actually her. Two of them collectively quit in a group on one day! That was the most outrageous I think. How did it take FIFTEEN people quitting because of her management before they fired her?
Also one manager who came in shitface drunk and swinging when she got fired. That was the most dramatic.
Figured this out some time back. Firing a manager is an admission of failure by someone even higher.
Not always. Some people change once they get power, I’ve seen 2 supervisors go that way. Awesome co-workers, cunts to work under.
This is true and I’ve seen it. However, I still think that it’s possible someone above didn’t want to acknowledge that they were a bad read of character. That’s how it felt in the situation I saw firsthand anyway.
Also, not everyone that is good at a job has the personality to be in management. I’ve found myself in several management roles before I realized I absolutely hate being responsible for other peoples’ work and am just not cut out for it.
I use those people that I used to work with as a “what not to do” guide.
Sometimes I want to say to staff “You keep up shit like this and you wont have a job much longer” but I remember how fast people turned on that guy, so instead I have a sit down with them and say “I cant keep not reporting this stuff, its going to risk MY job. So I need you to lift your game because we’re friends and all but I’m not going to get fired to protect you and once I start reporting it up the chain, I cant fo anything to protect you”
I like your approach much better.
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