I asked a related question about how often you lie, on a daily basis, but I think this is more apropos for today’s general aesthetic.
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This, plus giving extraneous information that may lead to incorrect presumptions.
PhD . Not really that convincing if you get the qualification wrong.
I don’t do well with lying. Because of childhood trauma. I am an open book. Even online. A boring open book though.
But I am sometimes a bit confused. Might say stuff I later realize I should have done a second thinking about. But I don’t call it misrepresentation when I believed it myself, even if I later realize my mistake.
Read my comment history
That’s like… a lot of work. Can’t you just post some simple examples? For us plebes?
Too many good examples
I lie a bit to prevent me being identified, especially if I am talking about friends and family.
Does it matter? Anyone will draw whatever conclusion they want from written words.
Any post made represents a train of thought created in that moment, for that moment.We like to overanalyze stuff and inferr suppositions, create entire lifetimes based on fragments of text. But more often than not, there is no hidden meaning, no greater link to map out. Though it’s fun to imagine there is.
The online medium is fantasy. A separate dimension from reality. A glimpse into past moments that most of us rarely even think of while out there actually living. Shitposts, trolls, memes, bots, insights into the human psyche and so on, all mushed up together where you can’t even tell the true from the false.
A simple truth is that everyone online is a lie. Whether spurred by anonymity or cowed by social expectations, the online persona is a default mask we craft for ourselves, perhaps even unknowingly.Some say it’s who they truly are, free or the debts and responsibilities of real life. But it’s not completely true. Hiding this inner self is part of who we are, though we like to reject it. These posts, these thoughts are pieces of what we need to express, a lashing out at the norms that bound us we do not agree with. Yet they do not represent us, not fully.
Just as in a sudden moment of pain, we express the emotion through a verbal release of vulgarities, so too are these written declarations the release of that painful constriction society holds over our words and deeds.…
TL;DR: Always.
I’m going to paraphrase you with a “verbose vulgarities”.
You. You, despite your typos, I like you. Do more of this, for anyone else reading.
Thank you and I’m sorry. This bit just flowed out on its own and I have little control over the whims of inspiration.
The great part though is that it’s not something exclusive to suffering artists or talented writers. Anyone can create something of worth, even if only to a few.
We merely have to let the mind wander and flow, then look back at the trail it left behind and enjoy the result.
Creativity and imagination should not be stifled, nor worked at a demand. It’s the natural that brings out the greatest smiles.
I’m more my real self online than I am in the real world.
I would like to hear more about how and why that is, for you.
I can actually speak my mind through text than I can verbally. I become mute in most situations IRL because being physically around people gives me anxiety.
You may have accidentally a word.
Nah, I purposefully that word. I purposefully’d the fuck outta it.
I know I kinda just spread my brains out onto Internet and it isn’t pretty but it gets the dopamine going and keeps me on the treaddsmill
I’m that Nigerian price that offered to share some of my fortune if you had just helped me
Obviously I hide my identity but that means not telling everything about myself. I don’t need to lie about it.
I don’t think I misrepresent anything. I comment as myself. Only thing that comes to mind is that I like defending positions that are ethically correct but have bad optics so for example defending Elon Musk when people here spread misinformation about him despite the fact that I don’t particularly even like the guy. It’s understandable that people make false assumptions about me because of it but I don’t really care. That’s on them.
Truthfully, never, I’m always honest, but I’m also an advocate for data poisoning and obfuscation. One of these sentences is false.
Yes, for anyone doxxing me, everything I say on the Internet is true. I am a middle aged lawyer with brown hair and three children.
Do they know they are your kids though?
God I hope not.
Two redhead children in a trenchcoat
I guess what I said there ties into this. If there is a disconnect between myself and how it comes across, it is unintentional, but I cannot guarantee being able to show that. Helps to treat all words with no angle in particular in mind.
I bend the truth a little to avoid getting Doxxed, but nothing major.