I drink PG Tips Original.
I drink all kinds of different tea. At the moment I often drink Keiko Matcha and lots of really beautiful green tea my friend sent me from Taiwan. I love to coldbrew green tea in summer. Greek mountain tea my parents bring me from crete. I also buy fresh mint to make tea from some of the fresh leaves and to dry the rest.
Besides that my favorite brand is The English Teashop in all forms it comes in and Cupper/Clipper.
We don’t have a lot of choice over here. It’s either Pickwick or store brand. I mostly buy store brand.
Tick Tock Rooibos tea only for me. So much better than normal tea.
Also chicory instead of coffee.
Caffeine free life is the best 👌
Twinnings everyday or english breakfast
Yorkshire Tea
Yep this is the only decent one widely available in the US
The right choice.
And their bedtime brew (with vanilla and nutmeg) is the best decaf I have found too!
The only one. Barry’s is a good blend to be fair, but hard to get outside of Norn iron.
I’ve found Bewley’s to be quite good with hard water too.
I’m still going through the Ceylon black tea I bought at Buckingham Palace in 2019.
Bigelow or Stash double bergamot Early Grey, or Hime Genmaicha. I’ve tried brands that cost more or less and always come back to these three.
Not sure it counts as tea, but I’ve also got a taste for Yerba Mate.
I mostly buy loose leaf from Upton tea. My favorites are their Assam GFOP and Finest Russian Caravan. They have a ton of varieties from around the world, so I get my usual and try out a couple new ones every time I make an order.
Scottish Blend.
This gunpowder green tea is good for beginners or the lazy because it’s mild and exceptionally tolerant of steeping too long, or in too hot water. Never bitter.
If you already like green teas, try some Taiwanese 10% (nearly green) oolong, more complex than plain green. 0% oxidised is green, 100% is black, oolong is everything in between.
Brand? The fuck is that?! I pick my tea from the wild and sun dry it at home as any proper tea lover would.
Bunch of fukin posers talking about brands n shit…
Yogi spiced blackberry
This one, it’s amazing.