I just recently cleared my place of much bullcrap and have consequently been able to keep cleaning up after myself moment to moment so it doesnt build up and its basically alwaya clean 🤩
Get in the habit of getting into habits. My high school chemistry teacher turned me onto this. Make a point of doing something every day for a while and soon it will become hard NOT to do it.
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Factorio players Start sweating.
I’m gonna join your Minecraft world and set up an auto crafter that crafts from an auto farm
Isn’t it nice knowing you can crack nuts with your ass? Gives power bottom a whole new meaning
If I’d done this while playing Stardew, my legs would be tree trunks by now
Flossing I guess.
It reduces the risk of heart disease! Very important.
Remember, you are most likely to die from heart disease.
Eh. I always saw myself as most likely to die with a shotgun in my mouth, and pulling the trigger with my toes.
Really? How the heck does that work out?
You’ve already got a better answer, but let me encourage you to remember your circulation whenever you think of your dental health to help motivate you to build and maintain those good habits.
Flossing seems mundane, but really it’s helping you with the most important risk factors for the things that are most likely to kill us.
The rubbish that gets into your teeth / gums can then get into your blood stream. From there it can travel to your heart and cause issues.
Well that’s good to know. Thanks!
It’s not, it’s almond milk. Even the gray aliens won’t touch the stuff.
this is an important one. i nearly died when a tooth bacterial infection spread up my trigeminal nerve. not to mention the pain.
Water flossing! It’s like a bidet for your teeth.
I had one but the hose broke, so now it dispenses milk for the cat through the fridge door when we’re away.
No, I think you got that right. Just keep going and you’ll get that popcorn kernel eventually.
At least you didn’t power wash the walls like I did the other day. Forgot where the off button was.
I use org-mode to maintain a todo list. A very important detail. All todo must have a schedule or deadline.
Every time I open my editor it shows the agenda view that present me the list of tasks to do today and the ones I haven’t completed in the past.
Mainly, if you can have a similar habit it will work as a meta habit that will improve and grow other time.
Plus org-mode can do so much more, this becomes really useful. Like help with creating new habits, write dynamic documents, etc… I wrote an article about my workflow here https://yannesposito.com/posts/0015-how-i-use-org-mode/index.html
I’m currently learning Spanish on my morning drive, it feels very rewarding not to just waste time.
I love my local library because they’re keeping me sane on my work commute! I looove audiobooks and it’s so nice to be able to try so many and not have to worry about if I will like them because it’s all free!!!
Libby and your library card.
I play videogames while I drive to the office. (Decent) public transport is great like that. Auďiobooks are indeed great for driving though. I listened to about 300 books per year when I was an international driver.
I read for like 10 minutes every morning on my iPad with the Libby app (usually) and it’s great. I’ve read so many books now!
Putting stuff in a calendar. Now that I’ve started doing it, I’m not sure how people live without it. I have too much stuff going on to remember exactly when things are happening and some of them are scheduled weeks or months in advance. Everything has to go in the calendar app. For things that are further out, I set reminders one week and one day before. Other than that, I also check at the start of every week, and ofc I check whenever I need to schedule something.
Agree completely! I don’t know how people remember random Wednesday night plans without putting it on a calendar.
Plans just go in one ear and out the other unless I write them down immediately
It’s extremely powerful from mental health to actual planning tasks and keeping track of things but weirdly enough it can be difficult to get into.My best advice would be to make it as easy and as low stakes as possible at the beginning. Just open file/journal and write anything every day, even if it’s one word. Don’t worry about anything else. Then you can add and evolve this habbit to whatever feels useful to you.
Before I sit down on the toilet, I take a piece of toilet paper en wipe the brim. Not that it makes that much of a difference of how clean the brim is. But since doing that I ALWAYS notice if the roll’s nearly empty. It’s just the heads up you need to check stock and fix a new one before it’s too late.
Drinking a couple glasses of water immediately when I wake up.
Wakes me up, gets rid of the tired dont-wanna-open eyes.
Probably ensures you don’t go back to sleep too, at least not for long.
I stopped using antiseptic mouthwash, even zero-alcohol versions, because the microbes in your mouth produce nitric-oxide and killing them off might be linked to high blood pressure.
I start everyday by slamming a 16 ounce glass of water. It sets up my day to be more alert and on top of things.
Flossing every day. Never had issues with my gums ever since.
If I ever remove the spare tire from my car, I put air in it.
Probably not super helpful since most people don’t ever remove their spares or work on cars AND many new cars don’t even come with spares. But it helps me.