The state of Western Australia is bigger than all of Europe.
Western Australia is 2,527,013 square kilometers Europe is 10,186,000 square kilometres
Factually incorrect.
That’s like saying “no u” Of course it’s incorrect (I think) but now the burden of proof is on you
I guess it depends how you see it.
From my perspective, if someone is going ro make a statement that sounds unlikely, then they should provide proof.
“What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence” Hitchens Razor
However, I take your point.
Obviously it is easily verifiable with a simple Google search
Sorry, I didn’t explain myself well (although you got it). I didn’t mean the burden is on you, more that you were setting yourself up for a “burden of proof is on you” argument
Ah. Ok. I see how you mean it now. 👍🏼
Well your mom is bigger than your disinformation