Swipe left and right on your phone’s spacebar to move the cursor.
That’s gboard and also thumbkey on Android. The stock keyboard (e.g. on lineage) does nothing.
Holding the spacebar switches languages, despite the fact that there is annoyingly a language button right next to the spacebar.
Stock android keyboard is genuinely terrible.
The best stock layout I’ve seen is on PmOS which puts dot to the left of Q, and comma to the right of L, thus saving that extra diagonal space.
Holy shit. I had no idea.
Spread the good word. Everyone I tell is blown away and comes back to me later to thank me.
It’s just really handy for correcting autocorrect typos.
That’s not universal, though - this is how I switch keyboards to Cyrillic.
Mine does the language switch as well, but I can get cursor control if I tap and hold space before moving left or right.