Bitten by bear. Super power gained: DEATH
I mean, death is kind of like hibernation. It just lasts forever instead of just 1 winter.
toss that alarm clock
The immortal jellyfish that can regenerate itself. (Turritopsis dohrnii medusa)
Wombat. The power to take square shits.
Idk, humans are cleverer than the average fox, it might just make you cuter (foxes are adorable) and more prone to pissing in random locations (domesticated foxes love to pee all over your shit, they can be litterbox trained, but it’s hard). Possibly claws and fangs also, which could be useful
I would get bit by a cat because i know that’s going to happen anyway. I would choose the power to import thoughts into other people.
The good: Honestly spider was a pretty solid choice, but I’ll go with an eagle for the flight and government immunity
The bad: A human (no powers)
The ugly: A wolf (furry)
Spider would be cool tbh. Tho what if you get their fucked up reproductive process where the female lays dozens or hundreds of eggs at once and also maybe tries to Eat her male partner, depending on species.
Or like, you lose your teeth and have to eat by injecting caustic fluid inside Whole Organisms to dissolve their tissues and slurp them up with your Newly-Formed palps/pedi-palps.
You might get venom, which is cool, but most spiders are only venomous to other arthropods because most spiders hunt primarily arthropods (occasionally small amphibians or reptiles for larger species, a couple tarrantulas are known to opportunistically hunt rodents or bird hatchlings, but they don’t have venom to begin with, so whatever). Unless you get a black widow or brown recluse or something. A dose of that vemon from a human sized Black Widow or Brown Recluse chimera (the Type of Thing you are now) would like 99% be enough to kill a person
A kitten, and my superpowers are gonna be huge dick and $10k/day.
Next question.
fish and breathing underwater
That would be fun to randomly swim around.
Human, so that I can be even humaner. If I can get humaner enough I might bypass superhuman and become hyperhuman. I didn’t know if that will give me 5th-dimensional awareness or make me explode, but if superpowers are involved, there’s only one way to find out.
Alternatively a mountain goat so I can wall-run through downtown like it’s fucking Skyrim.
“Man-Man! He’s bestowed with all the powers of a man… but he’s a man.”
“Oh, I bet Man-Man gets his powers from Robert Bly!”
Dog… I just want to be happy.
Eternal Happiness.
Dog, so that I could lick my own… belly…
Red sea urchin. Long life and limb regeneration.
I don’t want to turn back into a baby like those who chose the immortal jellyfish.
Wait, it would be cool if you could relive your childhood once in a while.
Ill throw wombat into the mix because I want to flip trucks dig tunnels and shit cubes.
I want to get bitten by a baby red panda and gain the power to hibernate through winter.
And that is the kilian experience.
A Sloth and have Sloth abilities.
Me also. Be nice to sleep 8 hours again and feel good in the morning.